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How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

Plan You Next Trip

5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass.  So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

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How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

Plan You Next Trip

5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass.  So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

Take A Break & Enjoy Some Me Time In Style!

There is nothing as good and enjoyable as when you take a vacation, and it turns out as perfect as you had imagined. This comes with planning, and here are some tips to enable you to travel like a pro! Writing this makes me nostalgic, and I cannot wait for Covid-19 to go away and

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The Pefect Traditional Homemade Italian Tomato Pasta Sauce

Italy is famous for its cuisine. They brought us Pizza, Pasta Tomato amongst other foods. But the tomato sauce, commonly known as ‘Sugo’ in Italian, is at the heart of most dishes. The secret of this simple yet yummy tomato sauce is learning to make the Tomato & basil pasta sauce as it makes the

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Lemon Water Helps To Flush Out Toxins!

Simple steps on how to make the lemon water and benefits. When drank first thing in the morning:It is excellent to boost your immune system by providing your body with Vitamin C,Excellent antioxidant,Helps with digestionFlush out toxins,EnergizesEnhances your mood,Great for any weight management. Watch the video on tips how not to destroy the delicate natural

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How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

Plan You Next Trip

5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass.  So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

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Glorious Fashion

Homemade Natural Toothpaste Recipe

We’ve grown up in an era where toothpaste comes packaged in a tube, and we can’t tell what’s in it.  It’s almost impossible to imagine how our ancestors survived without all these commercial products. Luckily, we still have some tribes worldwide who still use natural products to clean their teeth.  If you’ve ever wondered why


 The Pandemic has reminded us that basic hygiene is paramount. Washing hands, covering up, staying in a clean environment. We have heard that cleanliness is next to Godliness.  So, having a clean home will complete the efforts of our hygiene efforts. Use this cleaning product to spray the doorknobs, cabinets and fridge handles, and countertops


I’d gone to the supermarket for my weekly grocery when an old granny approached and asked me to pick the Soda Crystal Soda, placed on the top shelf next to where I’d just picked up a ready-mixed powder. Not a big deal, I gave it to her and was just about to leave, but she

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