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How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

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5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

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How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

Plan You Next Trip

5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass.  So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

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How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

Plan You Next Trip

5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass.  So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

Take A Break & Enjoy Some Me Time In Style!

There is nothing as good and enjoyable as when you take a vacation, and it turns out as perfect as you had imagined. This comes with planning, and here are some tips to enable you to travel like a pro! Writing this makes me nostalgic, and I cannot wait for Covid-19 to go away and

pasta, tomato, basil-2281208.jpg

The Pefect Traditional Homemade Italian Tomato Pasta Sauce

Italy is famous for its cuisine. They brought us Pizza, Pasta Tomato amongst other foods. But the tomato sauce, commonly known as ‘Sugo’ in Italian, is at the heart of most dishes. The secret of this simple yet yummy tomato sauce is learning to make the Tomato & basil pasta sauce as it makes the

water, drinking glass, glass-1194520.jpg

Lemon Water Helps To Flush Out Toxins!

Simple steps on how to make the lemon water and benefits. When drank first thing in the morning:It is excellent to boost your immune system by providing your body with Vitamin C,Excellent antioxidant,Helps with digestionFlush out toxins,EnergizesEnhances your mood,Great for any weight management. Watch the video on tips how not to destroy the delicate natural

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Beauty Tips and Tricks

How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

Plan You Next Trip

5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass.  So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

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Homemade Natural Toothpaste Recipe

We’ve grown up in an era where toothpaste comes packaged in a tube, and we can’t tell what’s in it.  It’s almost impossible to imagine how our ancestors survived without all these commercial products. Luckily, we still have some tribes worldwide who still use natural products to clean their teeth.  If you’ve ever wondered why


 The Pandemic has reminded us that basic hygiene is paramount. Washing hands, covering up, staying in a clean environment. We have heard that cleanliness is next to Godliness.  So, having a clean home will complete the efforts of our hygiene efforts. Use this cleaning product to spray the doorknobs, cabinets and fridge handles, and countertops


I’d gone to the supermarket for my weekly grocery when an old granny approached and asked me to pick the Soda Crystal Soda, placed on the top shelf next to where I’d just picked up a ready-mixed powder. Not a big deal, I gave it to her and was just about to leave, but she

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How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

Plan You Next Trip

5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass.  So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

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How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

clear glass bottle filled with broccoli shake
Photo by Alisha Mishra on

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%. 


 The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the human body as is the weekly emptying of the garbage bins in the house we live in. 

Just as a disease would quickly grow in our wooden or brick home if the rubbish was only occasionally emptied, the disease would quickly spread throughout the human body if the garbage is not emptied regularly. 

Food transit time from entry to exit should be no longer than 24 hours. Ideally, it should be 16 hours. How often should the evacuation of the human organism happen?

• Two intakes of food daily should equal two evacuations. 

• Three intakes of food daily should equal three evacuations. 

Babies and small children regularly run to this routine before the restriction of school life often changes the habits. To encourage regular evacuation, follow these principles that govern the colon: 

1. Consistency – The human machinery runs according to cycles, as does the planet. Thus it responds well to regularity. 

Rise and retire at the same time every day. Eat and drink at the same time every day. This will encourage regularity in evacuation times. The colon loves consistency. 

2. Promptly Answer Nature’s Call –  Resisting this call leads to many colon problems. When the sigmoid section of the colon is full, the feeling to evacuate is felt. If this call is not allowed, the content falls back into the previous section of the colon. Thus the body’s garbage disposal unit has not been allowed to empty, and the contents begin to rot and ferment further. The blood supply to the colon is massive, conveying this putrid condition to every part of the living machinery. 

3. Drink 2-3 litres Water Daily – One of the colon’s primary functions is to take water out so that stools can be formed and passed out of the body. If the human organism does not receive two to three litres of water daily, it becomes dehydrated. 

In a state of dehydration, the body takes more fluid out of the colon than usual to compensate, and so the stools become drier and harder, resulting in constipation. 

4. Eat High-Fibre Foods – Fibre is vital to the colon to ensure that the many folds and bends are swept out. Refined foods turn into a clay-like substance that can easily get caught and wedged in these grooves. Meat, dairy, eggs and all refined foods contain no fibre. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains are all high-fibre foods. But the foods that have the highest fibre content are fruit and vegetables. These are the two food groups of which we should largely eat. 

5. Relax – A Tight Mind Causes a Tight Colon Don’t hurry the visit in the ‘little house’. Relax: emptying the body’s major garbage disposal unit is an essential part of the day. 

6. Breathe with the Abdominal Muscles – The abdominal muscles were designed to aid in breathing. When these muscles are used, the diaphragm presses down on the stomach, pressing into the colon. Thus, both of these major organs are massaged via the breathing process. This massaging gently stimulates peristalsis, aiding the function of the colon. An erect spine encourages this. 

7. Exercise – Walking is the best exercise for the colon. Every step taken causes movement in the colon. 

Walking, swimming and gardening are the best exercises, as they are usually done outdoors, and every muscle and every organ of the body is toned and strengthened to perform its work. The colon needs a brisk half-hour walk daily, at least. 

8. Chew, chew, chew – Thoroughly chew the food to enable the whole digestive tract to utilise the food properly. This produces a substance that is less abrasive and with an easier transit time through the colon. 

9. Cultured Foods – To function properly, the colon requires a correct balance of intestinal flora. Refined foods, especially sugar and antibiotics, destroy this balance. Cultured foods – sourdough bread, sauerkraut, yoghurt, miso and tofu are examples. They encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon, which is essential for a correct balance of intestinal flora. 

A few points will now be added to aid those with sluggish colons: 

1 Place a castor oil poultice on the abdomen overnight, four nights a week. Dampen a double-thickness cloth with castor oil. Place over abdomen. Cover with plastic and hold in place with snug-fitting underpants or adhesive tape. This poultice can be used for a couple of weeks as the oil is not drawing but penetrating to cleanse and decongest. 

2 Once a day, sit in a tub of hot water 40°C for 5 minutes, then sit in a tub of cold water for 15 seconds, if the patient is a little frail, thin, very young or very old. Suppose you are fit, strong and able to bear it, 30 seconds. Always begin with hot and end with cold. Do this three times. 

Have the feet immersed in another hot tub of 40°C for the whole treatment 

3 There are various herbs that one can partake of to initially give the colon a kick-start, but these should be seen as antidotes until the colon begins to run correctly. Advice from a herbalist or naturopath is best here. 

4 Use an enema can when needed. 

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

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5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip

Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass. 

So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

Take A Break & Enjoy Some Me Time In Style!

There is nothing as good and enjoyable as when you take a vacation, and it turns out as perfect as you had imagined. This comes with planning, and here are some tips to enable you to travel like a pro!

Writing this makes me nostalgic, and I cannot wait for Covid-19 to go away and I start travelling again, with more zeal than ever before.
But don’t leave anything to chance.

The Pefect Traditional Homemade Italian Tomato Pasta Sauce

Italy is famous for its cuisine. They brought us Pizza, Pasta Tomato amongst other foods. But the tomato sauce, commonly known as ‘Sugo’ in Italian, is at the heart of most dishes.

The secret of this simple yet yummy tomato sauce is learning to make the Tomato & basil pasta sauce as it makes the difference between what you buy in the shop and this Italian recipe. And the best thing about it, it can be served with almost anything.

So, for example, you can use it as a base for your pizza, sauce for your pasta, on toasted bread and egg on rice or even as a side dish. I always hold some in the fridge, as it’s a quick way to make a quick dish anytime. I guarantee you that once you test this authentic ‘Italian tomato basil sauce! You will never buy the artificial store-bought sauce ever again. This tomato basil pasta sauce is entirely homemade, preservative-free, and it tastes soo delicious! Leave your comments once you have tried the recipe at home.

Buona Appetito!

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Explore and travel the world

On Brand

Beauty Tips and Tricks

How to Take Care Of the Digestive System

It’s said that the stomach is the second brain and that all diseases start from the gut! How much truth is in these two statements? 100%.  THE COLON  The colon is the body’s most effective garbage disposal system. The proper removal of the garbage from the body is as vital to the health of the

5 Best Stress-free Insider Travel Hacks!

Like in any industry, there are some inside thacks, and unless you learn it from someone who is inside, you will never know, and it could cost you a lot of money. Here I go thru some of the Travel Inside hacks to give you that stress-free trip. 

Plan You Next Trip

5 Things To Know Book Your Next Trip Covid-19 has turned our travel industry upside down; however, as in the past pandemic, this too will pass.  So here I give tips on what you need to do before your next trip.

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Travel Tips To Help You Travel Like a Pro!

Turmeric, Milk & Honey Facial Mask for Clear, Smooth Skin

turmeric, neem, cup

Turmeric, on the other hand, is a proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that has treats acne, brightening dark spots on the skin, and treating fine lines and wrinkles

  •      3/4 teaspoon of organic turmeric powder
  •     ½ teaspoon milk or yoghurt
  •     ½ teaspoon pure raw honey

Mix all the ingredients and make them into a small paste. If too thick, add some milk, and if too runny, more powder.

Apply on the face and leave the mask for 15-20 minutes.

To buy these ingredients, click on the following: 

You won’t notice immediate, magical results overnight, but if you use it consistently (as in a few nights a week), you’ll likely start to see some brightening, smoothing, and calming effects after a few weeks. Of course, if you’ve never slathered honey or turmeric on your face, make sure to patch test, first, but dabbing a bit on your neck, just beneath your ear, leaving it on for 20 mins, and waiting for 24 hours to see if you have a reaction.

Caution: turmeric will temporarily stain your face if you’re pale, but it’s overnight staining, not days-long staining. The milk or yoghurt added to the mask acts as a barrier. Remove the mask with a simple cleansing oil

Charcoal Facial Masks To Unclog Pores

face mask, skin, skin care
Charcoal facial masks is an excellent mask to help unclog pores and absorb environmental pollutants, oil, and dirt from the skin. 
Charcoal is perfect for people with acne and blackheads as it can help reduce excess oil. Tea tree essential oils have antimicrobial properties that will help reduce dark spots.

Hydrating aloe vera juice may help reduce the frequency and appearance of acne. It may also help reduce skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis. Aloe vera is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins that may help protect your skin.

Tea tree oil effectively promotes healthy skin by soothing and healing a wide range of skin issues. Use tea tree oil with a few precautions:

You should not apply tea tree oil directly to the skin. It’s important to dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil. For every 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil, add 12 drops of carrier oil. Also, be careful when using tea tree oil around the eye area. Exposure can cause redness and irritation. Before you use tea tree oil, do a patch test to ensure your skin doesn’t react to the tea tree oil.


  •     One teaspoon activated charcoal powder
  •     ½ teaspoon of aloe vera juice
  •      One drop of tea tree essential oil 

Mix the charcoal with ½ teaspoon of water to a smooth consistency. Adjust the water/powder accordingly. 

To buy these ingredients, click on the following:  

Caution: any essential oils are potent, and use them with utmost care. If not sure, don’t use it! Use 1 to 2 drops to a ratio of 500 ml. 

Homemade Facial Scrubs For Every Skin Type

toner, skin, skincare

There are many face scrubs out there, but it’s hard to find precisely the right one to fit your skin type. It means that making a custom one to suit your skin’s needs is the way to go.  They are easy to make, and since you don’t have to buy the ingredients, it is very affordable. It’s a win-win situation.

Be forewarned: that adding in fresh fruit will reduce the shelf life of your scrub, and you’ll want to keep it in the refrigerator—not your shower. Keep that in mind before whipping up a big batch.

Exfoliant – sugar or salt
Vegetable oils – olive oil, safflower oil, almond oil, avocado oil, and extra virgin coconut oil
Fruits & Vegetables – Kiwis, pineapple, strawberries, papaya, tomato, cucumber
Dark air-tight containers – for storage
Choose your exfoliant – either sugar or salt.  I recommend plain white sugar, brown sugar, and sea salt. Sugar is less abrasive than salt because it dissolves more easily. Brown sugar is the best for sensitive skin because it’s the softest. Salt exfoliates well and can help remove impurities and dead skin. And the sea salt also removes dead skin along with helping increase cell activity.

 Select is your oil from the list

These oils are excellent for your skin—olive oil, safflower oil, almond oil, avocado oil, and extra virgin coconut oil (my favourite!). To start, all these oils, except the avocado oil, are naturally antibacterial, which will help prevent any problems. Olive oil is good for dehydrated skin, and it won’t clog your pores. Safflower oil is a fatty oil that can help calm irritated skin and prevent clogged pores. Almond oil is fantastic because it can reduce UVB rays’ effects and improve skin tone. Avocado oil is extracted from the fruit’s pulp—not the seed—so it’s incredibly rich and will help your skin retain moisture. Finally, extra virgin coconut oil is packed with antioxidants and free radicals, which help prevent ageing. It’s one of our favourite multitaskers.

You can make a scrub with just an exfoliant and an oil. However, I recommend adding in one of the six fruits and vegetables. They each have properties that will help your skin even more. Kiwis can help brighten your complexion, and the seeds in the fruit pulp can act as mini exfoliants on their own. Strawberries are best for the evening and brightening your skin tone, and they are packed with vitamin C. Pineapple is best for acne-prone skin; it has an enzyme that helps dissolve dead skin cells. Tomato contains lycopene which can help protect skin from UV rays. Papaya has an enzyme called papain responsible for skin whitening, reducing unwanted hair, exfoliating dead skin, repairing ageing skin etc. And finally, cucumber can help reduce puffiness by reducing water retention.


1. Choose your container and measure your exfoliate so that the box is 3/4 full.

2. Measure out your oil. You’ll want a 2-to-1 ratio. So, twice as much salt or sugar as oil.

3. Combine oil and salt or sugar in a bowl and stir until just combined.

4. Add in the fruit or vegetable chopped as finely as you can get it and muddle the mixture together until just combined. You don’t want to mix it too much or the granules will start to dissolve. 

To store your face scrub, either thoroughly clean out an old scrub container or buy a plastic container that has a lid insert like these. Believe us, it will help you keep your scrub fresh.

Homemade Natural Penicillin

ginger, hot lemon, tee

A few viruses are circulating every winter and especially now with Covid.

Flu is a common viral infection spread through coughs and sneezes. It can be very unpleasant, but it will usually get better within about a week.

You can catch the flu– short for influenza– all year round, but it’s widespread in winter, which is why it’s also known as a “seasonal flu”.

It’s not the same as the common cold. Different viruses cause flu, and the symptoms tend to start more suddenly, become more severe and last longer.

Some of the main symptoms of flu include:

• A high temperature (or fever) of 38 degrees Centigrade (100.4F) and above, tiredness and weakness, a headache, general aches and pains, a dry, chesty cough

• Cold-like symptoms– such as a blocked or runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat – can also be caused by flu, but they tend to be less severe than the other symptoms you have.

Flu can make you feel so exhausted and unwell that you have to stay in bed and rest until you feel better.

What to do

Nature has provided us with the following healing ingredients that will help to expedite the healing process:


  •  ½ lemon with peel
  • ½ Orange
  • ¼ grapefruit
  • ¼ large onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper
  • 2 drops peppermint (essential oils)
  • Small piece of horseradish
  • 1/4 cup of distilled water or just plain water

Method: Place all the ingredients in a blender, and blend until it’s a thick and smooth consistency. 

Take one tablespoon every 2 hours.

Store any residue in the fridge and use it within 72 hours. 

Throat Soothing Turmeric Milk for Cough

drink, coffee, cup

Whenever my thought starts to feel itchy, this is my secret remedy. This a delicious, healing easy to make remedy. It can be made anytime.

Turmeric is a spice that works on the digestive, hepatic, immune, musculoskeletal and circulatory systems. It has a bitter, astringent and pungent taste and a wide variety of traditional uses (anaemia, blood purifier, blood tissue formation, jaundice, hepatitis, circulation, inflammatory bowel disease, haemorrhoids, water retention, indigestion, gas, clearing mucous, protein digestion, urinary infections, fever, bruising, acne, and as a natural antibiotic and general anti-inflammatory agent among many others).
Its antimicrobial properties make it particularly useful for treating the common cold, whilst anti-inflammatory compounds may help relieve inflammation and airways congestion in those with a chronic cough.

Honey is a natural sweetener, better than sugar.  It is rich in antioxidants, can help improve cholesterol, promotes burn and wound healing. Honey soothes the sore throat, and it’s an effective cough suppressant, too. In a study, children age two and older with upper respiratory tract infections were given up to 2 teaspoons (10 millilitres) of honey at bedtime.

In Ayurvedic medicine, a popular way to prepare it is as a milk decoction, gently heating milk with turmeric and other spices to make a warming and healing drink. 

Ingredients 1:
½ cup Warm milk
1 tsp Honey
½ tsp Turmeric 
Blend all together and drink warm

Bay Leave For Weight Loss

These are "Bay leave."

spices, jar, kitchen

Do you know why you add bay leaves to foods, especially red meat and poultry? Some, when asked reply: to add flavour to the food.
But did you know that If you boil some bay leaves in a glass of water and taste it, it will sometimes have little or no flavour?

Now, why do you put bay leaves in the meat? Well, you will be pleased to know that the addition of bay leaves to meat converts triglycerides to monounsaturated fats, and for experimentation and confirmation:
Cut the chicken in half and cook each half in a pan and place on one bay leaf and the other without bay leaf and observe the amount of fat in both pans.

If you have bay leaves, there is no need for a pharmacy. Recent scientific studies have shown that bay leaves have many benefits & help eliminate many health problems and illnesses.

There are vast benefits of bay leaf, here are a few:

  • Bay leaf treats digestive disorders and helps eliminate lumps, Heartburn, Acidity & Constipation.
  • It helps regulate bowel movement by drinking hot bay tea.
  • It lowers blood sugar, and bay leaf is also an antioxidant
  • It allows the body to produce insulin by eating it or drinking bay tea for a month.
  • IT eliminates lousy cholesterol and relieves the body of triglycerides.
  • It's instrumental in treating colds, flu and severe cough as it is a rich source of vitamin "C"; you can boil the leaves and inhale steam to get rid of phlegm and reduce the severity of the cough.
  • Bay leaf protects the heart from seizures and strokes as it contains cardiovascular protective compounds.

It's rich in acids such as caffeic acid, quercetin, eugenol, and more substances that prevent cancer cells' formation in the body.
It eliminates insomnia and anxiety, if taken before bed, helps you relax and sleep peacefully.

Drinking a cup of boiled bay leaves twice a day breaks kidney stones and cures infections.
Like ginger, garlic, onion and chillis, bay leaves must also be part of my spice collection.

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